Original Songs

We have created a diverse collection of original lyrics and melodies for those seeking unique music. These songs are copyrighted, registered with ASCAP, and available for recording use, provided the author receives full credit and acknowledgment.
Songs are sorted by latest first. Click the sort button for other options.
To reserve a song for recording, please use the Acceptance Form below. Once we receive your request, we will remove the song from the list and deliver the song and lyrics to you. All song requests are date/time stamped and reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. The form allows you to submit up to five songs at a time, but there is no limit to the number of songs you can request. Feel free to record the songs in any keys that are comfortable for the vocalists.
Please forgive the quality of the recordings, piano playing, and singing. We hope the quality is sufficient to convey the essence of the songs. The lead vocal is on the left channel, and we recommend listening with headphones to appreciate how the harmonies are intended to interact.